The actor Paul Grant’s family reported his untimely passing on March 20 at the age of 56. Grant was most recognized for his work in the “Harry Potter” and “Star Wars” film series. Paul was discovered on March 16 in London after collapsing outside of Kings Cross station, according to Sky News. His daughter, Sophie Jayne Grant, told the newspaper that her father remained in the hospital until he was formally declared dead on March 20 at early in the morning. “I’m devastated… No girl should have their father removed “Sophie revealed to the source. “He was extremely adored and well-known [for his work]. He left way too soon.”
Paul is well-known to viewers all across the world thanks to his role as a cherished Ewok in the 1983 film “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi.” As one of the goblins in charge of running Gringott’s Wizarding Bank in 2001’s “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” he was responsible for another memorable scene. Paul also worked as a stuntman in the 1980s movies “Willow,” “Labyrinth,” and “Legend.”
Paul’s family and admirers are mourning the actor following the terrible news of his passing.
Following his final acting appearance in “Harry Potter,” Paul Grant led a full life. His fiancée, three biological children, stepchildren, and grandchildren are all left behind by the actor. Supporters of Grant and 1980s film in general reminisced about his parts on social media about his contributions to pop culture.
Paul Grant, please rest in peace, one supporter said. “I appreciate what you have done for the Star Wars series and the entertainment business in general. We will miss you.” One more user stated, “He was an excellent performer. May peace be upon him.”
The stuntman had a bright attitude on life and was candid about his past issues with drugs and alcohol before he passed away. A YouTuber had spoken with Grant just a few weeks prior to his discovery at King’s Cross station regarding his life off the big screen. To the camera, he confessed, “I had money, but I wasted it. “Hey, my life has been enjoyable. You only get to live once, right?” Peace be with you, Grant, and sympathy to your family.