The baby who cried all night
Being a parent involves a lot of responsibilities, lost nights, effort, dedication, and much more. All these sacrifices are made out of love, with the hope that the child will grow up in an environment as pleasant and warm as possible, consistent in terms of education, where he learns the true values and principles that will guide him later to become an adult. as healthy, responsible, and cultured as possible.
Parents know all these things, they remember very well the moments when the children were so small and fragile that it seemed a little difficult to hold them. In this article, we will address the fragility of babies, more precisely, the experience that a family went through with their baby.
When we talk about sacrifices, as a parent, think for the first time about those moments of the night, when sleep is deep and sweet, and hear the baby’s cries. You know that immediately you have to do something, more precisely, to check if everything is fine. Well, this family was confronted with this problem, and the two parents started asking questions when they saw that their little girl was starting to cry for no reason. Yes, it’s normal in babies, it happens often, but in the baby we’re talking about, things weren’t exactly like that.
Things got worse when he started having symptoms, such as fever. The two parents were worried and scheduled a visit to the doctor, right on the first day when he had a fever. While dressing the little girl, they also discovered the reason why she was so agitated. It is quite common for an adult, but for a baby, it means something completely different.
When they wanted to put her socks on, her parents noticed that her hair was wrapped around a finger. It was so tight that the little finger swelled, causing a big impact on the baby’s body and a pretty big pain and a lot of anxiety.
The father carefully removed that problematic hair and the two parents noticed how the little one gradually began to calm down. Babies are very sensitive, and that’s why we have to go that extra mile when it comes to medical checks and tests. If you liked this article, do not hesitate to share it with your loved ones, it is very useful information that can solve a problem that can worsen and cause a lot of tension if it is not noticed in time.