Adolescents go through a lot of changes during puberty and many of them can be quite scary for them, not knowing the necessary information. The body goes through a natural and complex cycle, developing and changing. Girls for example begin this process at 11 years old, while boys at 12. Boys see more facial hair and their voice is deeper, while girls get their first period and breasts start to develop. This 14-year-old girl made a mistake and thanks to her mother, she avoided big complications. Make sure you read until the end.
A 14-year-old teenager named Molly was very close to severe complications which could have led to death after she wore a tampon for too long. What apparently looked like a normal cold, later turned out to be something much more complicated and serious, given that she noticed extensive irritation on the body.

Finally seeing that it wasn’t just a cold, Molly talked to her mother about what happened and she thought for a while and began to ask questions. One of them was if she changed her tampon on time, and Molly said no. The girl slept with the tampon for 10 hours without changing it, which led to the development of a bacterium called Toxic shock syndrome, which is very rare and is caused by toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus. Some symptoms are confusion, vomiting, headaches, sudden fevers, low blood pressure, or even diarrhea.

It’s vital to visit a doctor as soon as someone notices similar symptoms like the ones mentioned previously because it can lead to complications very quickly. Also, people who had this can get it again, and it’s highly recommended not to use tampons if it happened in the past.

The girl was taken urgently and admitted to intensive care, where she received specialized treatment. Eventually, she recovered and was discharged but it took some time for her to fully recover. Her mother wants to make sure that other girls do not go through the same problem, so she posted on social networks what happened to prevent other mothers and make them aware of this bacteria. Let’s do the same and share this to prevent this from happening to other girls!