Because of what occurred when their lives took an unexpected detour, Andy and Sarah Justice are ardent believers in the cliche that everything occurs for a reason. This belief is based on what actually went place.
The couple had been attempting to start a family for a while and had a great desire for a child, but owing to complications, they were unable to realize their goal despite the fact that they had worked toward it for many years. They investigated other options as well, including in vitro fertilization; but, they were unable to proceed with the treatment due to a lack of available financial resources. Because of this, they began to think about adopting a child.

They were referred to a woman who was expecting triplets and wanted to place them up for adoption by an adoption agency; the two agreed to adopt the mother’s children and were overjoyed about the opportunity. Sarah, who had always wished for a large family, couldn’t believe her dream would actually come true when she found out she was pregnant.

Babies born prematurely eventually matured into robust and healthy adults. On the other hand, Sarah had never before experienced the morning sickness that is common among pregnant women. During an appointment with the physician, it was disclosed to her that she will be giving birth to TWINS! This revelation was the most shocking thing that had ever happened to her. They were in good health when they were born.

Despite the fact that both of them have extremely hectic schedules, the new parents insist that their family has now reached its ideal state.
The following is a picture of the whole family: