Eating fruits and vegetables is the nutritional advice for health! However, even when eaten regularly, washing and peeling them robs them of many of their nutrients. The good news: there are fruits and vegetables that can be eaten with the peel while still being digestible. As a bonus, you’ll save time in meal preparation and flavor when you taste your food. Of course, favor organic foods, their peel is free of chemicals.

- Potatoes
If you get used to eating them without the peel, potatoes are great to eat with too! Wash them well in warm water. When they are peeled, they lose up to 20% of their vitamin D and minerals, as well as some of their fiber.
2. Aubergines
The skin of this vegetable contains a phytonutrient called nasunin, a powerful antioxidant that helps cell regeneration.
3. Cucumber
Usually eaten without the skin, however, it is full of antioxidants that boost the immune system and fight free radicals and fiber that prevents constipation.
4. Sweet potato
The peel of the sweet potato is quite thin, is quite digestible, and is full of potassium, beta-carotene, and vitamin C.
5. Carrots
As long as you wash vegetables properly, there is little reason to clean them, as plenty of nutrients are in the peel. This is the case with carrots whose skin contains vitamin C.
6. Apples
Many people peel apples because they can be difficult to digest. On the one hand, this means it has a high fiber content, which quells hunger and improves transit. Apple peel also contains quercitrin, vitamin C, and anti-cancer nutrients.